Find reflected in the eyeball of the camera
these regions overtaken by the ramshackle units
and their chimneys that cough clouds of smoke
into the sky, whose gutters emit a vitriolic pungency.
Find also the dust-deposited leaves of the cactus
which sharpens its claws waiting for the day
to pierce them in the ass of the industrial magnate.
Once these dominions were the definition of clear sunshine,
and the river breathing joy through its powerful lungs.
The eloquent ground felt privileged to host the shadows
of the allamanda and the periwinkle. Each evening
the tiny eatery would gather under its eaves teetotallers
as the grimy sheds and wobbling chimneys kept working
their greed.
Perhaps in these regions still reside
the monitor lizard, the frock-coated moth, the mongoose
and the buffalo waiting to lay siege to their grasslands.